Never losing ways at the same without the slightest chance of turning back, the intersection Carlos Aimar and number five owner, captain and the team appears, Claudio Marangoni, shrapnel blew enough to finish the campaign Boca rot in the opening 90, to divide the campus and force nothing more and nothing less than the removal of Maranga and the resignation of Aimar. All this in the span of two months.
The bomb exploded on Saturday, September 29, 1990 close to midnight and was thrown by Aimar in Boca full concentration on the Carlton hotel. The technician called Marangoni aside before dinner and threw without anesthesia: "... Claudio, I thought all afternoon, do not look good physically, so I'm going to put Villarreal against Central. But I want to go to the bank, you may need your experience at some time during the game ...". Admittedly Maranga reacted like a gentleman. Replied that he agreed, but agreed to go to the bank and went to find Villita to encourage and give full support. So here the thing was kept in carriles de cierta normalidad. Pero como no podía ser de otra manera, empezaron a intervenir otros factores. Como por ejemplo los resultados, los hinchas y la barra.
Tan imprevista y entrada la noche fue la charla técnico-jugador que ningún diario del domingo alcanzó a incluir a Villarreal en el once titular. Todos anunciaron a Marangoni de entrada, cosa que terminó siendo un boomerang para el DT. Con la Bombonera llena y los altoparlantes anunciando a Marangoni con la 14 en el banco de suplentes, empezaron las primeras reacciones. También hay que reconcoer que el clima venía bastante caldeado por un detalle para nada menor. Tras cuatro triunfos y un empate en las primeras cinco fechas, la ilusión que despertó ese Boca 120 crashed against a concrete wall to lose without putting the leg against River in the Monumental. Unforgivable.
So like after Sunday 30, with the team to come out onto the field, needed only a few drops of gasoline to start the first outbreaks of fire. Task was carried out brilliantly (?) For the bar to welcome the team with some strong hits. Namely: "... if we lost to River not let 'to mourn, if we lost to River not let' to mourn, the team is hen Aimar ..." . Or the music used Movete Movete Chiquita, but put the points to Cai: "... andate Aimar vigilant andate do me a favor, we want to Boca, you do not want you to ... ".
The first reading, almost obligatory, was that Aimar Marangoni pointed to as responsible for the severe blow to Núñez. But there were some off the record that the balance tilted to one side or the other. Such as the war declared from the bar to Aimar was negative by the technician to bring the curtain silver giant released in November 1989. Or that the real reason for the departure of Maranga was not for being more or less physically but because he was very reluctant to training. Not to mention the poorly thought out (?) Who believed po $ ible a pact between the bar and the midfield turn the DT. Hoaxes (?).
Aimar The truth is that he kicked the board but paid the play came out terrible to lose this Sunday against Central at the Bombonera. After a Mouth that put all but missed amazing goals at the feet of Batistuta, the final whistle sparked more songs Loustau Pichi against DT. like "... if you throw the hype Maranga quilombo going to see ..." or "... it is Marangoni and ole ole ole oleeee ballet ..." . The players gathered in a circle and began walking toward the tunnel crestfallen local. Walk that was harangued by Marangoni almost shouting: "... raise head units were killed ...".
thing in the locker room it was to tight. Marangoni Czwan singled out Daniel, a journalist who had followed the practice of Boca throughout the week, and consulted: "...¿ you saw me not working all week? The really do not know why I pulled. I know you are running some rumors of a confrontation but nothing to do ...".
To all this, since last few hours, the withdrawal of the Bombonera Cai was somewhat traumatic. With only about 50 supporters waiting for him in the beach area, but only 3 police custody coach toured the inner ring and took a few minutes to warm up to leave. Not to mention when poked his head and shouted "... Aimar're chicken, Boca do not want you ..." . Turned white but Navarro Montoya seconded by ran a few yards to get on the bus. But since he took up that started Chevalier, spent about 20 minutes where the microphone was neatly (?) Surrounded by people to move a little (?) While the songs made it clear that if you had to choose one of the two Marangoni was chosen.
What followed was a total distance between player and coach. The internal campus was badly injured. Evidenced thing dates later in the differences between Villita and Maranga or allegations of Marangoni when it was training in a particular car before the rest of the players. If we add up a stack of games without a win (2 wins over 14 games) thereafter the result is easy to define. Total disaster.
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