July forecast a July high temperatures and little precipitation. We keep what we said on March 25. Remember two stormy times: from 7 to 11 and another 20 to 25. June 30 Today we will try to detail the outcome. Home
- month with high temperatures and no precipitation. No storms.
- Emergence of precipitation in the north of the Iberian peninsula but insignificant this precipitation. From 3 to 7. Continue to increase the temperature.
- Around July 7 appearance of some storms very minor.
- From day 7 to 8 begins to lower the temperature in the north of the Iberian Peninsula will be in this situation of individual storms within the peninsula.
- recall the gale in the Bay of Biscay. We must wait for winds from the north northwest throughout the Iberian Peninsula. From day 7 -8 to 16 - 17.
- will lower the temperature and more general rainfall across the northern peninsula. We'll see how far it is possible to hail. And specifically in the Bay of Biscay.
- clear days from the 16-17 would correspond to 21. Will the higher temperatures throughout the month. Especially around day 20 to 21.
- appears again stormy second stage will be important in the interior of the peninsula. All this with high temperatures but we'll see a drop in temperature as this storm goes away. This must match from 23-24 July.
- again go back to the late July sun and heat throughout the peninsula. We could see these tormentasse be withdrawn to Italy. Giving a north wind situation on the Mediterranean. August
August forecast a very hot and very little precipitation. This precipitation will occur in the only two times already advert in advance June 9, from 4 to 9 and 20 to 26.
- Weather very dry and very hot in early August.
- Around day 4 initiation of thunderstorm activity within the peninsula will severe storms in the area of \u200b\u200bBurgos. We will continue with very high temperatures.
- This last storm activity until August 7 giving precipitation in most of the Iberian peninsula less the farther southwest.
- From day 7 very dry and very hot until 20 to start yet another thunderstorm activity in the west of the peninsula and affect the entire peninsula. We say this because it will be south-southwest wind giving higher temperatures throughout the summer. This would be around day 20 and last about two days. Give a sudden change in wind direction southwest to northwest winds especially in the Cantabrian coast, with storm, etc.
- from 20 lower the temperature and see several days precipitation and thunderstorm activity across the peninsula.
- The last days of August and early September should be dry and sunny but a definite change waiting time. September
see that completely changes the time. September will see a beginning of a very strong thunderstorm activity from day 3 or 4. We will see a lot of precipitation throughout the peninsula particularly in the interior. This situation will not change until the day 5-6 October.
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